Industry Specific Solutions
Businesses irrespective of their size have their own unique processes and business problems, which can be effectively solved with solutions built on Tally ERP 9. It makes sense to develop your specific business features directly into Tally ERP 9 to leverage on the much strength that the Tally platform inherently provides.
Several industry specific Tally business solutions have been developed by us and same can be extended to you & further customised based on your needs:
Tally.ERP 9 can function:
- As 'Spokes' in hub-and-spoke distributed deployments - Where 'Spokes' are branch offices (or subsidiaries) and the 'Hub' is a 3rd Party central location
- As an 'Engine' - Tally.ERP 9 as the 'Hub' integrated with other IT & web solutions
- As 'Upstream' integration - where suppliers use Tally.ERP 9 and the businesses gets visibility to specific data
- As 'Downstream' integration - where businesses get visibility to selective data of their Sales Channel (distributors/retailers)